Thank you for praying for orphaned and vulnerable kids around the world who face the devastating effects of this global uncertainty. We’re thankful to share a recent update on our team in Guatemala
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June 1, 2020

“Thank you for coming back”


God is still working.

Prior to the pandemic and country-wide lockdown, more than 60% of Guatemala’s population lived in poverty. And Guatemala continues to have one of the highest rates of childhood malnutrition in the world.

So in this season of global uncertainty, families and children in Guatemala are especially hurting and hungry. Reports show that the malnutrition rate has tripled. People have started waving flags outside their home:

White flags signify hunger.
Red flags signify the need for medicine.
Black, yellow, or blue flags mean that a woman, child, or elderly person is in danger of violence.

But even during these times of fear and uncertainty, God is at work.

Last month, 24 children were baptized and 13 children trusted Jesus for salvation, and we praise Him for that.

God is still providing.

Each week, we deliver food to over 275 families. With gratitude in their eyes, these families asked us to thank you. People like you give to make this happen!

This week, one line alone stretched out over 250 people, yet no one said a word. Patiently they waited. We were thankful to pass out these food packages, reminding each person that Jesus loves them and is providing.

One sweet lady said to us, “Thank you for always coming back. We rely on this bag and make it last the whole week until you come back again. My husband and I can’t sell our flowers, and we have no way to work.”

God Is Still Providing
God Is Still Good

God is still good.

We continue to love and support the 57 children in our care. We continue to reach vulnerable young mothers and orphans with special needs while ministering to our local communities. And we’re able to do this because of your ongoing prayer and support.

God is still working, God is still providing, and God is still good.

We are reminded of Proverbs 22:9, “The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor.”

Thank you for praying, for giving, and for trusting.

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