Thank you for praying for orphaned and vulnerable kids around the world who face the devastating effects of this global uncertainty. We’re thankful to share a recent update on our team in Guatemala
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May 8, 2020

How will you respond?

Without fail, every time after food delivery, the images of those we met that day roll through my mind and sleep fails me.

In hopes to share life here in Guatemala we take photos hoping to let others somehow understand the need.

It often feels awkward in the moment-but I try anyway.

I don’t know how else to let you see.

We climb the side of the mountain literally gasping for air- trying to make our way to 92 year old Marta.

Many come running when they hear we are there.

Marta cannot.

I am tempted to whine. Then I notice a woman carrying a bucket of water balanced on her head beside me- and I feel ashamed.



I know when I return home later that day and turn on my warm shower I will not be able to forget her.

We make eye contact. I smile, make a small gesture and snap her photo- hoping someone will want to help.

We finally make it to Martas front door.

It takes several moments before we hear her feet shuffling towards the gate. It gives us time for our breathing to return to normal.

We smile, greet her and hand her a bag of food- quickly realizing that is too heavy for frail arms her to hold.

I look deep into her eyes.

I try to imagine her life.

I say a few encouraging words she doesn’t understand.
She speaks Kiche.
I don’t.
It doesn’t matter.
Our eyes spoke anyway.

I snap her picture- hoping someone somewhere will want to help her as we turn to leave.

We immediately stumble upon more hunger- even in the animals.

I take some video of an injured animal.

My heart literally aches. It feels like it cannot possibly take any more.

People see the video and cry out.

I understand.

I cried too.

We call the vet hoping for some help.
I want it to feel no more pain.
We explain to the family the options the vet gives- knowing that the chances are slim.
We have to be honest and tell them there is a chance it will need to be put down.
They struggle to understand.
Then they refuse the help.
Part of me is angry- how can they let it suffer?
It seems so selfish.

But my much wiser daughter reminds me that they do not- can not understand.

Why would you put something down because it suffers- when suffering is all they have ever known?

Everyone around them is suffering.

They love the dog.
It is alive and they will love it in its suffering.

Just as I am loving them in theirs.

We come across more starving dogs.
I feed them from the small bag of treats I carry- knowing it’s not enough.

It’s never enough.

I snap more photos and share.

Again people are upset and comment for someone to please rescue it.

I understand it’s hard to see.

Yet I can not just take someone’s pet.

I can not just take someone’s child.

Anyway- where will they go?

Who will take in another stray?

Who has room for another child?

The orphanage we run is full- we turned down several calls earlier in the week.

I snap more photos and pray.

It’s overwhelming.


It is not just the few dogs you saw. It wasn’t just the ONE little girl we came upon filling her belly with dirt.

It’s all around us.

This is just one little village.

This is just one day.

There comes a time in every believers life where you don’t just know the gospel- you BECOME the gospel.

How will you respond?

I was asked to share the link to partner so here it is. Thank you!

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